This training portal is provided as a means of furthering knowledge about camelids and also to provide veterinary continuing education in camelids. It is being added to over time. There are some free presentations and some require purchase. You will need to create an account to access these recordings and to keep track of your training. Currently on the portal we have the following recorded presentations:

Placing Intravenous Catheters in Adult Camelids

Aimed at: Veterinarians, vet nurses/techs and vet students only

This presentation will talk you through the technique for placing intravenous catheters in adult alpacas and llamas. After going through each step in detail, there is a real-time video demonstrating the technique at the end.

COST: £30 +VAT (if applicable)

The Camelid Fibre Industry

Aimed at: Anyone interested in learning about camelids

This presentation will provide a background to the camelid fleece and fibre industry with specific relevance to the alpaca industry since fleece is the raison d’ètre of alpacas. It will also discuss what owners are looking for in terms of the selection of animals for breeding purposes. It is aimed at vets, nurses and technicians working in animal health, but also those interested in keeping camelids, or wanting to learn more about camelid fibre.


Introduction to Camelids

Aimed at: Vets, vet students and nurses

This talk provides an introduction to camelids, primarily for veterinary personnel that may be interested in finding out a little more about South American Camelids. The presentation is just under 25 minutes long.


Anatomy & Physiology of South American Camelids & The Clinical Examination

Aimed at: Vets and vet students

This course provides an overview of the anatomy and physiology of South American Camelids and provides information on clinical examination techniques and what are normal findings in camelids.

COST: £40

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