Camelid TB Testing Update May 2016

I have been in discussions with folks at DEFRA/APHA with regard to TB testing in camelids. Here are a few points to note in case you find yourself with a suspect TB animal on your farm.What is a suspect TB animal?Any animal that has a positive skin test or blood test result from voluntary screening (eg pre-movement test or surveillance testing):An animal that is submitted for routine PM and suspicious lesions are found at post-mortem.It seems that a proper post-mortem report will NOT be routinely produced if the animal is culled under suspicion of TB, while it might be produced if the animal is…

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Clinic Grand Opening Report 23rd April 2016

Camelid Veterinary Services (CVS) officially opened its doors on 23rd April this year. The clinic is the brain-child of Specialist Camelid Veterinarian Claire E Whitehead, and is the only facility in Europe, and outside South America, focusing solely on South American Camelids, mainly alpacas. Local MP for Henley John Howell planted a tree to mark the occasion and gave warm support to a new rural business that could provide jobs in rural South Oxfordshire.More than 70 guests attended the Grand Opening, mostly alpaca breeders from around the UK, and were given tours of the new facility which includes a large…

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Clinic Grand Opening – 23rd April 2016

You are warmly invited to attend the Grand Opening of our brand new Camelid-Specific veterinary facilities at The Old Barracks, Goring Heath, Reading, RG8 7RU.10am to 12.30pm: Tours of the Facilities & ActivitiesTours of the facilitiesFree faecal egg counts (including demonstrations)Endoscopy demonstrationVenipuncture model demonstrationChildren’s colouring competitionTrade Stands: GWF Nutrition, Fresh Group (paddock cleaners), CVSTea, Coffee and Networking!  12.30pm: Official Opening Address & CeremonyOfficial Opening by John Howell MP (Henley).1pm: Lunch2pm to 5pm: Seminars by Dr David E Anderson1st Aid and Emergency MedicineHerd Health, Parasite Control & MonitoringAntibiotic Selection Space on seminars is limited to 45 places – please indicate your interest in attending…

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The London Vet Show

Claire will be appearing at this year’s London Vet Show in Olympia (19th/20th November). She will be presenting a talk entitled: “Camelids – not just sheep with long necks!”

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Parasite Alert!

We have recently been seeing quite a few farms affected by gastrointestinal parasitism. The problem is mostly due to Haemonchus, the so-called Barber’s Pole worm, and it causes weight loss and anaemia.Check your alpacas now for anaemia, and submit faecal samples for analysis!

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