Camelid Parasite Warning!

We have been seeing a spike in faecal egg counts over the last week or so. This is most likely due to the wet weather we’ve been experiencing. Please go out and monitor your animals – body condition score, check mucous membrane colours, and check faecal egg counts! Even if you did them only 2-3 weeks ago, they may have increased. I would increase the frequency of checking BCS and mucous membrane colour too because things can change quickly under these conditions.Check out our Resources Page for helpful information on how to perform body condition scoring and how to check…

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Christmas Lab Closure dates

Please note that the lab will be closed for the Christmas period, from 23rd December until 3rd January. Please don’t send any samples during this period as there will be nobody here to receive them and they won’t be processed! If you have a sick animal that you’d like a sample checking, please contact me on my mobile on 07769 271506 – but do not send any samples without speaking to me first! I will not be processing any routine samples. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and New Year!

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NEW COURSE! Camelid Health Care – starts 18th January 2023 online

Whether you’re a new alpaca or llama owner, thinking of getting some, or have owned them for ages, this course is suitable for everyone. Join our new course in camelid health care! Learning never stops: camelid knowledge is always developing. Keeping up to date is really important to make sure that you give your alpacas and llamas the best care possible. You will learn what you can do to deal with many common problems experienced by your alpacas such as mange and worms; understand what can be done for other problems; and learn how to best keep your alpacas and…

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Injectable Vitamin D Product – Available Sept 2022

During 2021, EU legislation resulted in a large increase in the meat withdrawal period for products that contain vitamin A. [See here for further information.] This had the effect that many manufacturers stopped making injectable vitamin D products due to reduced demand from livestock producers. Camelids are very susceptible to vitamin D deficiency at non-equatorial latitudes and low altitude and they require supplementation during the winter months to prevent clinical problems that result from that deficiency. This includes rickets in young growing animals, and reduced immunity in all ages of camelid. Claire has worked with UK veterinary wholesaler Vetsonic UK…

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NEW COURSE! Camelid Health Care – starts 3rd August online

Whether you’re a new alpaca or llama owner, thinking of getting some, or have owned them for ages, this course is suitable for everyone. Join our new course in camelid health care! Learning never stops: camelid knowledge is always developing. Keeping up to date is really important to make sure that you give your alpacas and llamas the best care possible. You will learn what you can do to deal with many common problems experienced by your alpacas such as mange and worms; understand what can be done for other problems; and learn how to best keep your alpacas and…

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TB Testing in Camelids – fact-busting on current issues

There has been a wide divergence of opinion over the fate of Geronimo the Alpaca, as there is always likely to be following the death of an apparently healthy animal. This has led to some extremely negative press concerning TB testing in camelids. In forming an opinion about TB testing in camelids, it is important that the correct facts are known. I have seen a worrying amount of poor quality information appearing on social media and media channels over the last couple of months or so regarding bovine TB in camelids. So here is a little fact-busting on the issues.TB…

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BAS Sponsorship of British Vets to attend Camelid CPD

The British Alpaca Society (BAS) have recognised that there is a deficit in camelid-specific training among vets in the UK and that the costs of CPD may be a barrier to vets completing training in a species that may only cover a small proportion of their workload. BAS have therefore decided to try and bridge this gap by offering subsidies to help offset the costs of training. I am pleased to announce a partnership with the British Alpaca Society to offer subsidised training to up to 20 UK-based vets per year to attend our Camelid Health Course for Vets. This will be…

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Female Breeding Soundness Examinations

Summer has got off to a busy start here at the Clinic. We have had several female patients visit the clinic for breeding soundness examinations. Having the right facilities and equipment are key to performing a proper, successful and safe examination. We have a customised alpaca-specific restraint chute at our clinic in Oxfordshire that means that the alpaca can be properly and safely examined. Instruments may be put up inside the back end of the alpaca and if the alpaca is free to jump around, a successful examination is not possible and it could be dangerous for the patient. We…

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Our First Plasma Transfusion of the Season!

We performed our first plasma transfusion of 2019 earlier in the week. Happily, this one was in a cria that was not yet showing any signs of illness other than failure to gain weight, but was identified as having an IgG level of 300mg/dl (ideally it should be 1000+). The plasma transfusion should prevent the cria from deteriorating into sepsis.The owner checked the cria’s IgG as they were not happy with its weight gain (it had lost since birth). Proactive IgG testing is much better for the cria as a plasma transfusion can prevent it from becoming ill and potentially…

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Welcome to our new website!

We have been working hard over the past few months to develop our new website. We appreciate we are probably far more excited about it than you are! However, we thought it would be useful to point out a few changes we’ve made to help make using our services a little easier. Resources We have created a library of FREE downloadable resources to help you manage the health and welfare of your animals. At present you can find guidance relating to Body Condition Scoring, Vitamin D Supplementation and Assessing Anaemia, as well as a timely Feeding Guide for Crias! This…

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Camelid Blood Collection webinar available now!

I have been working with Pet Blood Bank UK to develop and launch a UK wide processing service for camelids.I am delighted to tell you we have now also created a Camelid Plasma webinar which will provide you with practical guidance and support to help ensure plasma can be collected and transfused safely and effectively.The webinar is split into two distinct sections;Part 1 – guides you on how to safely collect whole blood in a closed manner from camelids which can then be processed into plasma using the Pet Blood Bank processing service,Part 2- provides advice on how this plasma…

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Birthing & Neonatal Study – WE NEED YOU!

We are looking for alpaca breeders to take part in a study that we will be conducting over this coming breeding season. Little is known about the incidence of birthing difficulties (“dystocia”) in alpacas, specific information about the type of problems experienced during birthing and the periparturient period, or the outcome of the problems experienced. Reproductive success and cria survival is crucial to the alpaca industry. This study aims to evaluate the incidence of periparturient events and neonatal illness and mortality in order to highlight where potential improvements can be made in both management and veterinary care of the species.Please…

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