Alpacas and llamas are quite simply “what we do”. Camelid Veterinary Services is the only veterinary practice just for camelids (mostly alpacas and llamas) in the UK. Our small, patient-focussed team is led by the only recognised camelid specialist veterinarian in the UK (or Europe). In this section, you will find loads of information about what makes us different from your regular vet, and about using our services.

Why choose us

Camelid Veterinary Services is the only veterinary practice just for camelids (mostly alpacas and llamas) in the UK. Our small,…

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What is a specialist?

Veterinary specialists have completed advanced training beyond veterinary school – specialist status cannot be achieved on your own as a…

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How do I contact you / arrange a referral?

If you have a sick animal, always the first thing you should do is contact your regular vet as they…

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What can I expect / what should I bring?

At Camelid Veterinary Services, we are committed to providing the optimal veterinary care for your alpaca or llama. On this…

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Payment & Insurance

At the initial consultation we will discuss the investigation and treatment options with you and provide you with an estimate…

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Local Places to Eat & Stay

If you need to leave your animal with us for a few hours and would like to pop out to…

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