Current Course Offers – expiring soon!

We have special offers on two of our courses at the moment.

  • Intensive Camelid Veterinary Care Course – a 10 module course covering 19 hours of CPD for vets, aimed at helping vets fill knowledge gaps and provide sufficient confidence to approach most of the common scenarios seen in practice. Available on-demand for a year, with 3 months of live support in the form of bi-weekly Q&A sessions. Normally £947 +VAT: special offer price is £697 +VAT only until the end of day 10th February. Plus generous sponsorship for UK-based vets from the British Alpaca Society. For more info and to book:
    • Camelid Reproduction & Cria Care Intensive – a course for owners of llamas and alpacas. A 9 module course available on demand with 3 months of live support in the form of bi-weekly Q&A sessions. This course helps you understand how to have the best success when breeding your alpacas or llamas. Learn about the most common reproductive problems – helping you know what you should do when breeding isn’t working as it should. Learn what to expect at birthing, and practical tips for what you should do when a female has difficulty. You’ll feel better prepared to deal with any potential problems or emergencies. Learn what’s normal for newborn crias, what isn’t, and what to do in the case of problems. Normally £1497 +VAT: special offer price £997 +VAT, but only until the end of day on 14th February! [Pay by instalments also available.] For more info and to book:

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