Course Details
This is a 6 week online course in camelid health care for owners of alpacas and llamas.
“I have absolutely loved this course and am really looking forward to the next course. I have owned alpaca for 6 year and bred for 3 years and I have learned something from every week on this course and the week I was most shocked about and learned the most from was the biosecurity week and I am very grateful that you have put on these courses.”
Dionne Knight, Animal Barn Alpacas
- You will finish the course feeling like you have all the knowledge you need to keep your alpacas and llamas healthy!
- You will learn what you can do to deal with many common problems experienced by your alpacas such as mange and worms.
- You will receive the most up to date information from the UK’s only specialist camelid vet!
- Ample opportunity to ask the questions YOU need answers to during the LIVE webinars – there is no such thing as a stupid question!
- Full printed course notes provided so you don’t have to write everything down.
- BONUS #1! Access to the recordings of the webinars for 4 whole months after each session!
- BONUS #2! Additional live and interactive group Q&A session.
- BONUS #3! Each attendee will also receive a 30 minute 1:1 session with Claire included as part of the course price. This will be held as a Zoom meeting. Worth £100!!!
Who is this course suitable for?
This online Course in Camelid Health Care is suitable for beginners as well as more experienced owners wanting a refresher course in camelid health. If you are outside the UK, this course will also be suitable for you. Claire spent 5 years working in the US and is familiar with conditions in North America and most of Europe. Outside of these areas there may be some location specific issues outside of the scope of this course, but the vast majority of the course will be relevant.
“I’ve had alpacas since 2008 and I have still learned a lot from this course. Great to be able to do it virtually. Thank you Claire.”
Lee Robertson
Course Schedule (2023)
- Session 1. 25th January General camelid management
- Session 2. 1st February Nutritional management
- Session 3. 8th February Parasite control: worms, coccidia and fluke
- Session 4. 22nd February Biosecurity for the farm
- Session 5. 1st March Skin Problems
- Session 6. 8th March Health Problems and what to do when things go wrong.
- Session 7. 9th March BONUS SESSION: Live end of course Q&A (3pm UK time)
Each session will start at 8pm UK time (3pm EST) and last 1.5-2 hours, and includes time for questions. All sessions will be available as a recording to view after the event in case you aren’t able to attend. The sessions will be available for 4 months after the date of each live session.
PLEASE NOTE: the course price is per person. Discounted pricing available for multiple people to attend from the same farm together, with a single 30 minute 1:1 consultation call.
Course Notes:
Please note that full course notes are provided, including shipping in the UK. We will post these out for delegates ahead of the course. If you wish to participate from outside the UK, please give plenty of time to allow notes to be sent out to you. There will be a small supplement for shipping depending on location!
What have others said after taking the Course in Camelid Health Care?
“The course is brilliant and I have learned so much which will definitely improve my herds health and life quality.”
Sue Williams, Blackrock Llamas
“As a relatively new alpaca owner this was just what I needed. It was a very thorough course and well organised. Claire, your presentation style is very clear and well paced. Your detailed knowledge, experience and passion is very evident. Making this amount of quality content so accessible is excellent for those wanting to learn and advance their knowledge. I think it is excellent value for money, especially taking into account how much it would cost to travel and pay for accommodation in ‘normal’ times.”
Katy Fawcett, Kentmere Valley Alpacas
“Long sessions = comprehensive coverage of topics which is great as far as I’m concerned. I’m quite surprised (and genuinely very pleased) to find that my confidence around my little herd has increased enormously over the last few weeks. One of my goats was poorly over Christmas with pneumonia which highlighted how lacking in knowledge, experience and skill I was and, indeed, might be if one of my alpacas became poorly – a ‘gut feeling’ that something is wrong isn’t really enough. I’m so pleased that I signed up for this course – thank you, Claire.”
Irene Jones, Goonhilly Herd
Thank you so much!! Super informative and well presented. Learned a lot!
Jacquie Edwards, Jade Alpaca Ranch

Related Training:
If you are interested in a course on reproduction and care of crias, please check out our online course on Breeding Management & Cria Care.