Please get in touch using one of the methods below. Note that advice may be chargeable as outlined on our Advice & Consultation page.

Telephone: +44 (0) 1491 680313
Email: [email protected]

Camelid Veterinary Services Ltd
The Old Barracks
Lady Grove
Goring Heath

What3Words location finder: ///chuckling.keyboards.glory


Directions from the South

From Junction 12 on the M4 take the A4 west (Theale, follow the brown signs for Beale Park), turning North at the second roundabout (A340) towards Pangbourne. In Pangbourne turn right at the first mini-roundabout (“The Elephant” on left), and left at the second mini-roundabout (“The George” pub on left). This road, the B471 crosses the River Thames via a toll bridge (60 pence), and runs along the high street of Whitchurch-on-Thames and up the hill (going through a narrow give way) and into Whitchurch Hill. Travel up the hill then take the right fork by the post box into Goring Health Road (sign posted Technology Centre). Follow this road for just over a mile and you will see the red brick walled entrance to The Old Barracks on your left. Follow the drive up to the timber clad building and park on the gravel.

Directions from the North

From Oxford take the A4074 towards Reading. Turn right after a long uphill stretch onto the B471 through Woodcote, then turn left at the displaced crossroads at Crays Pond. Follow this road through the woods until you get to a ‘K’ junction where you continue straight on around the bend. Take the next right, sign posted on an “Oxfordshire’ finger sign to Hill Bottom and Whitchurch Hill. The Old Barracks is the second entrance on your right (red brick walls). Follow the drive up to the timber clad building and park on the gravel.

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