
Advanced Camelid Nutrition Masterclass with Bob Van Saun

with Bob Van Saun – 3/5/6 October ONLINE

I am excited to bring you the opportunity to transform your nutritional management for your alpaca or llama herd with the most comprehensive Camelid Nutrition Masterclass ever offered – the Advanced Camelid Nutrition Masterclass with Bob Van Saun!

Just imagine this… having all your animals in tip-top shape, fed the perfect ration that optimises their immunity and gives them the best ability to fight off disease… having crias born at optimum birth weights and just thriving… their dams having the best quality colostrum so that the crias acquire sufficient passive immunity and sail through their first few months of life… your males and females having the perfect balance of nutrients to ensure their fertility… you spending less money on treatment of sick animals, and having more time to just enjoy your animals rather than rushing around fixing problems…

Sounds good doesn’t it?

Managing nutrition is at the root of animal husbandry, and is able to ensure optimal immunity as well as reproductive performance, and yet so few people know how to do this properly. Very few people bother to take the time to analyse the forages they feed their animals and so have little idea of what their animals have to work with and instead just top up with supplements, only stopping to consider whether there is a nutritional issue when problems crop up that perhaps can’t be easily explained. By then, you can be fighting a losing battle and it can take a lot of work to figure out what is going on and to correct those underlying issues. We will address all this and so much more in the Masterclass….

Bob van Saun is an extension veterinarian based at Penn State University. He is double board-certified as both a reproduction specialist, and a nutrition specialist. This gives him a unique perspective on the use of nutrition in optimising reproductive performance. He has done extensive research in the world of large animal nutrition and is particularly well known for his work with small ruminants and camelids. His camelid-specific research projects included vitamin D metabolism, hepatic lipidosis and trace element nutrition. In addition to this, he is a great guy who is really keen to share his knowledge with you to help you improve your camelids’ nutrition and performance.

For more info about the course and to book, please visit: https://nutrition.thealpacavet.com

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