If you have a sick animal, always the first thing you should do is contact your regular vet as they will be able to evaluate the patient, perform diagnostics if required/available and provide emergency care. If your vet decides that they need some specialist advice, they can call me to discuss the case. The most appropriate action can then be determined on the basis of clinical information provided.

In many cases, it could be possible to continue to care for your animal at home under the supervision of your regular vet and we can provide treatment plans to facilitate this. However, sometimes referral to a suitable facility may be required, depending on where you are located. Consultation on clinical cases will be chargeable on the basis of time unless you have credit available on a Herd Health Package.

If you have a problem with an animal that is not an emergency and it is one that your vet isn’t able to deal with themselves, you can contact us directly. Cases where this may be applicable include reproduction problems, dental cases, herd health questions and skin problems. However, any time your vet has been working on a case with you, we will need to have contact with them to find out what has already been done on the case and take it forward from there. We will report back to your vet with our findings on clinical cases in case any further treatment is needed at home or in case any issues arise.

How do I arrange a referral?

You can request referral of a case or your vet can decide that a referral is necessary. In either case, your vet will need to contact us to arrange the referral and provide all relevant clinical information they know about the case. We will then contact you directly to arrange a mutually convenient date and time for an appointment. On some occasions, your vet may decide that a particular issue is something they are not able to deal with and if they haven’t been involved in the case, they may advise you to contact us directly.

Getting hold of us

The best phone number to call in the first instance is our clinic number (+44 (0)1491 680313). If you don’t get a response from that number, it could be that we are out and about, and if it is an urgent query, please call the mobile on +44 (0)7769 271506. If no-one answers either number, leave a message and send a text to alert me that there is a message. For non-urgent queries, email can be the most effective way to contact me: [email protected]. Please do not use social media including Messenger to contact me about clinical cases as these are not necessarily checked frequently.

Why choose us

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What is a specialist?

Veterinary specialists have completed advanced training beyond veterinary school – specialist status cannot be achieved on your own as a…

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How do I contact you / arrange a referral?

If you have a sick animal, always the first thing you should do is contact your regular vet as they…

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What can I expect / what should I bring?

At Camelid Veterinary Services, we are committed to providing the optimal veterinary care for your alpaca or llama. On this…

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Payment & Insurance

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Local Places to Eat & Stay

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